had been to see 和 was to have seen 理解上,含义究竟有何区别

"I guess you'd better get out of Marseilles before Tough Bill comes out of hospital," he said to Strickland, when they had got back to the Chink's Head and were cleaning themselves.

"This beats cock-fighting," said Strickland.

I could see his sardonic smile.

Captain Nichols was anxious. He knew Tough Bill's vindictiveness. Strickland had downed the mulatto twice, and the mulatto, sober, was a man to be reckoned with. He would bide his time stealthily. He would be in no hurry, but one night Strickland would get a knife-thrust in his back, and in a day or two the corpse of a nameless beach-comber would be fished out of the dirty water of the harbour. Nichols went next evening to Tough Bill's house and made enquiries. He was in hospital still, but his wife, who had been to see him, said he was swearing hard to kill Strickland when they let him out.

A week passed.

"That's what I always say," reflected Captain Nichols, "when you hurt a man, hurt him bad. It gives you a bit of time to look about and think what you'll do next."

Then Strickland had a bit of luck. A ship bound for Australia had sent to the Sailors' Home for a stoker in place of one who had thrown himself overboard off Gibraltar in an attack of delirium tremens.

"You double down to the harbour, my lad," said the Captain to Strickland, "and sign on. You've got your papers."

Strickland set off at once, and that was the last Captain Nichols saw of him. The ship was only in port for six hours, and in the evening Captain Nichols watched the vanishing smoke from her funnels as she ploughed East through the wintry sea.





这一句He was in hospital still, but his wife, who had been to see him, said he was swearing hard to kill Strickland when they let him out. had been to see的理解困惑。

我的疑惑是:由be to see变成had been to see, 这里的see动作实现了没有?还是原来计划打算去看,而实际没有去看?或者是原来计划打算去看,结果未知?或者是原来计划打算去看,结果也确实去看了?

had been to see was to have seen 理解上,含义究竟有何区别呢?

另外Strickland set off at once, and that was the last Captain Nichols saw of him. 这里的saw of him, of=about 吗?为什么不直接说成saw him呢?

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最佳答案 2021-04-24 17:53

be to do 表示安排中的将来事件。had been to do 或者 was to have done 表示未实现的过去安排。与 planned to have done, had planned to do 结构意义相同。see of sb = meet sb, be in contact with sb.



本句中的 who had been to see him. 并不是be to do结构表示安排中的将来事件。而是have been to +地点名词这种用法的一个变体。词典对be to+地点名词的解释是,此时的be to为动态动词及物动词,等于visit后接地点名词作宾语。这种用法只用于完成体,表示曾去过某处。这种用法中,之所以能后接宾语,其实是因为介词to的缘故,visit 的意思实际还是来自动词be,表示go的意思,要表示visit何处时,才需要介词to引出visit的地点。如果上下文语境已经告诉了地点,或者无需说出具体地点,而只想说某人去某处做了某事,则无需再用介词短语引出地点,直接用have donehad done表示不及物的go的意义,然后接不定式表示go 的目的。这样就得到了变体形式 have been to do sth, had been to do sth. 意为已经去过某处做某事了。本句中Who had been to see him 因为她已经去医院看望过他了。

COCA类似例句:Mom had been to see her in the intervening years, first in New York and then Seattle, but this was Lucy's first trip home in nine long and undeniably interesting years.  

For Valentine's Day, I'm going to read a poem called " Romantic Moment, " which is about a man and a woman who have been to see a nature documentary on a date, a first date.  

In this small reservation town at least five people have been to visit the White House in the past two years.

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