
When the doors of the Asile de Nuit were closed to them, Strickland and Captain Nichols sought the hospitality of Tough Bill. This was the master of a sailors' boarding-house, a huge mulatto with a heavy fist, who gave the stranded mariner food and shelter till he found him a berth. They lived with him a month, sleeping with a dozen others, Swedes, negroes, Brazilians, on the floor of the two bare rooms in his house which he assigned to his charges; and every day they went with him to the Place Victor Gelu, whither came ships' captains in search of a man. He was married to an American woman, obese and slatternly, fallen to this pass by Heaven knows what process of degradation, and every day the boarders took it in turns to help her with the housework. Captain Nichols looked upon it as a smart piece of work on Strickland's part that he had got out of this by painting a portrait of Tough Bill. Tough Bill not only paid for the canvas, colours, and brushes, but gave Strickland a pound of smuggled tobacco into the bargain. For all I know, this picture may still adorn the parlour of the tumbledown little house somewhere near the Quai de la Joliette, and I suppose it could now be sold for fifteen hundred pounds. Strickland's idea was to ship on some vessel bound for Australia or New Zealand, and from there make his way to Samoa or Tahiti. I do not know how he had come upon the notion of going to the South Seas, though I remember that his imagination had long been haunted by an island, all green and sunny, encircled by a sea more blue than is found in Northern latitudes. I suppose that he clung to Captain Nichols because he was acquainted with those parts, and it was Captain Nichols who persuaded him that he would be more comfortable in Tahiti.


fallen to this pass by Heaven knows what process of degradation


另外and every day the boarders took it in turns to help her with the housework it怎么理解?去掉it似乎也正确吧?

encircled by a sea more blue than is found in Northern latitudes. 这里的比较句,比较分句和主句是主语相同吧?即相同的主语在不同的地方比较吗?不然is found 前缺少主语吧?

to his charges 在句中应该怎么理解含义呢?

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最佳答案 2021-04-24 18:13

1 fallen是不及物动词的过去分词,哪里会有被动句呢?你应该知道由于历史的原因,少数不及物动词的过去分词可以用作非谓语动词,此时该过去分词只有完成意义,没有被动意义。这里by介词短语为方式状语。

2 take为及物动词,不可省略itit在此为虚指it。其后的不定式不能做take的宾语,所以用it做形式宾语,不定式为外置宾语。主语轮流做不定式表示的那件事。例如 We take it in turns to do the housework.我们轮流做家务。The nurses take it in turn to do night duty. 护士们轮流上夜班.

3 主句的比较项为a sea more blue 即被比较级修饰的名词词组,其对应项在than从句作主语是必须省略的。或者理解than做了主语。

4 he assigned the two bare rooms to his charges 他把二个空荡荡的房间分给了由他照顾的那些人。charge在此意为 [count] formal : a person (such as a child) that another person must guard or take care of 必须由别人监护或照料的人。

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