关于as though引导陈述语气或虚拟语气的困惑

I have said already that but for the hazard of a journey to Tahiti I should doubtless never have written this book. It is thither that after many wanderings Charles Strickland came, and it is there that he painted the pictures on which his fame most securely rests. I suppose no artist achieves completely the realisation of the dream that obsesses him, and Strickland, harassed incessantly by his struggle with technique, managed, perhaps, less than others to express the vision that he saw with his mind's eye; but in Tahiti the circumstances were favourable to him; he found in his surroundings the accidents necessary for his inspiration to become effective, and his later pictures give at least a suggestion of what he sought. They offer the imagination something new and strange. It is as though in this far country his spirit, that had wandered disembodied, seeking a tenement, at last was able to clothe itself in flesh. To use the hackneyed phrase, here he found himself.


这一句It is as though in this far country his spirit, that had wandered disembodied, seeking a tenement, at last was able to clothe itself in flesh. 中,这里as though后面的 that had wandered disembodied   was able to 是陈述语气吗?(不是虚拟语气?)

that如何理解?disembodied 是主语补语吗?

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最佳答案 2021-04-14 15:30

It is as though in this far country his spirit, that had wandered disembodied, seeking a tenement, at last was able to clothe itself in flesh.

that had wandered disembodied, seeking a tenement, 这是定语从句,that指代his spirit. 这是that引导非限制性定语从句的一个例子。阅读时能够辨识即可,不要模仿。自己写作时要用which引导非限制性定语从句。定语从句的谓语动词与as if从句无关。过去完成时的使用是因为后面的was able to do为一般过去时,先于这个时间的动作要用过去完成时。


as though从句的谓语动词was able to...为陈述语气形式。因为用过去时表示过去的动作或状态,属于陈述语气动词形式。as if/as though从句在早期英语都是用虚拟语气的。但现在在非正式语体中完全可以用陈述语气代替虚拟语气形式。所以,除非是考试,在阅读中是没有必要去考虑as if/as though从句的语气问题的。

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