
Other ideas are more practical. Talk to corporate bosses and, because of the pandemic, many now believe that they need to give frontline workers more of a voice.
and 陈述句”表示条件状语从句,那么这句也可以这么看吗?如果和企业老板谈谈,那么,因为疫情,他们现在就会认为需要给一线工人更多发言权。


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最佳答案 2021-04-07 21:45

祈使句 + and + 陈述句:这个结构,不要看表面,关键要看语义是否存在 “条件---结果” 关系。如果不存在的话,那就按并列句的意思处理。此外,还有一点是:如果是 “条件---结果” 关系,那么,陈述句相当于主句,需要使用将来时。但本句在这两方面都不符合,故为两个并列意义的分句。比较:
Talk to corporate bosses, and many now believe that they need to give frontline workers more of a voice. (并列关系)
Talk to corporate bosses, and they will realize that they need to give frontline workers more of a voice. (条件---结果关系)

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