
I wish I could say that I recognised at once their beauty and their great originality. Now that I have seen many of them again and the rest are familiar to me in reproductions, I am astonished that at first sight I was bitterly disappointed. I felt nothing of the peculiar thrill which it is the property of art to give. The impression that Strickland's pictures gave me was disconcerting; and the fact remains, always to reproach me, that I never even thought of buying any. I missed a wonderful chance. Most of them have found their way into museums, and the rest are the treasured possessions of wealthy amateurs. I try to find excuses for myself. I think that my taste is good, but I am conscious that it has no originality. I know very little about painting, and I wander along trails that others have blazed for me. At that time I had the greatest admiration for the impressionists. I longed to possess a Sisley and a Degas, and I worshipped Manet. His Olympia seemed to me the greatest picture of modern times, and Le Dejeuner sur l'Herbe moved me profoundly. These works seemed to me the last word in painting.

这一句 I felt nothing of the peculiar thrill which it is the property of art to give. 如何分析这里的whichit ? 尤其是it指代什么?这里是用which替代了that的强调句吗?

实际上是不是it is that/which the property of art to give ?

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最佳答案 2021-04-13 15:52

the peculiar thrill which it is the property of art to give.

which指代the peculiar thrill, 在定语从句中作to give的宾语。不定式为定语从句的真正主语,it为形式主语。

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