only when从句后面的主句为什么不用倒装

在[美]克里斯汀、[美]金姆 和李文昊著的《英语语法看这本就够了大全集》的第333页上有这样一个句子:
It is only when one is ill that one realizes the importance of health. 人们只有在生病时才知道健康的重要性。
英语部分为什么不是:It is only when one is ill that does one realize the importance of health.

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最佳答案 2015-08-17 16:44

1. One realizes the importance of health only when one is ill.
第一种,把only when one is ill 提到句首。
第二种,用It is强调only when one is ill。
2.  Only when one is ill does one realize the importance of health.
3.  It is only when one is ill that one realizes the importance of health.
这跟 not... until...是一回事。例如:
1. He didn’t realize his mistake until the teacher had told him about it.
2. Not until the teacher had told him about it did he realize his mistake.
3. It wasn’t until the teacher had told him about it that he realized his mistake.
以上两组句子,只有句2 能够满足倒装的条件:only和not在句首。

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  • 黎反修   提出于 2015-08-17 14:27
