
The x such that x was the chief culprit was: Kim

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最佳答案 2021-03-08 12:19


The chief culprit was Kim. 作者把它比喻为 X = 2  其中 X 为变量 variable, 2 为 x的值value. 

所以 x=The chief culprit; value= Tom. 即 X = Kim, X was Kim. 

The x such that x was the chief culprit was: Kim.

黑体部分为句子主干,The x was Kim.  such that x was the chief culprit 为 the x 的后置修饰语。其中such为形容词,意为“这样的”,that 引导结果状语从句,表示这样的x , 以致于x 为 the chief culprit. 

这句话翻译为汉语可以是:变量x (x 指 the chief culprit) 的值为Kim。


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The x such that x was the chief culprit 主语,其中such that为修饰语

was: Kim

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A specifying construction is one of the kind: The chief culprit was Kim, where the semantic roles ascribed to the two items joined by be (here the chief culprit and Kim) are variable on the one hand (the x such as x was the chief culprit) and value on the other hand (Kim). This use of be is opposed to the ascriptive use (His daughter is very bright), where his daughter is a theme and very bright is a property. Other denominations have been used, such as “predicative” vs. “specificational” be (Lambrecht, 2001) or “equative be” (Huddleston, 1971), “identification be” (Quirk et al., 1985). Examples with subordinate interrogatives include The main question is whether we have enough evidence to secure a conviction, where the interrogative clause “serve[s] to identify the main question, the value of the variable expressed in the subject (the x such as x is the main question)” (Huddleston & Pullum, 2002: 977). In this case, the syntactic function of the interrogative is predicative complement. We shall come back to that point in § 4.1.1. because this context is particularly compatible with subject-auxiliary inversion.


the x such as x was the chief culprit x是个变量。不确定的。如 The man such as Kim was the chief culprit. man 可以是任何人,可以换成女的等。 Kim也是变量,可以是Tom, Dick and Harry等。


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