可用through sb’s help(通过某人的帮助)吗

表示“在某人的帮助下”,英语通常是用 with sb’s help 或 with the help of sb。如:

With the teacher’s help, I worked out the problem at last. 在老师的帮助下,我终于算出了这道习题。

With the doctor’s help, he soon came to life. 在医生的帮助下,他很快就苏醒过来了。

With the help of the police, I got back what I had lost. 在警察的帮助下,我找回了我失去的东西。

I can read the French book with the help of a dictionary. 我可以借助字典阅读这本法语书。

请问,英语是否用 through sb’s help 或 through the help of sb 来表示类似意思(“通过某人的帮助”),这是符合英语习惯的用法吗?

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最佳答案 2015-08-18 15:04

用 through one’s help 也是符合英语习惯的,只是不如 with one’s help 普通。如果要细分用的话,with 和 through 在意义上也有细微区别:with 除表示方式外,有时表原因(即含有“因为有了某人的帮助”之意),而 through 仅用于表示方式(即“通过某人的帮助”)。有关 with one’s help 和 with the help of sb 的例子比较多,而 through one’s help 或 through the help of sb 的例子则相对比较少。但仍可查到。如:

I got a good job through his help.(摘自张道真、温志达《英语语法大全》第1795节)
(1) Catalogues of major shows have also become bigger and more expensive in recent years, usually through the help of national, industrial or commercial sponsorship.
(2) Mrs Lowrieson was a widow of 69, an active Baptist, becoming infirm, but still keeping her shop going, mainly through the help of two ‘devoted’ grown-up daughters.
(3) Again through the help of kind neighbours I was able to visit him now and again, though not as often as one would have wished.
(4) It found that most adults come to faith in God through the help of a friend, a relative or a minister.
(5) Through the help of this “friend” the sufferers dealt with the unpleasant feelings associated with the disappointments, disasters and challenges of life and now this “friend” has turned against them and the feelings have to be processed.
(6) Give us the wisdom, through the help of the Holy Spirit, to realize our aims as a pastoral council, to understand what is needed, to find a means of achieving our end, and to do so with sens sensitivity for the feelings and opinions of our fellow parishioners.

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其它 1 个回答

黎反修   - 英语翻译 (已退休)

不能‍用 through sb’s help 或 through the help of sb 来表示“通过某人的帮助”,应该把 through 改为 with。

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  • 胡正圆   提出于 2015-08-16 17:06
