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最佳答案 2015-08-19 13:28

◎约有50个宾补动词表示精神活动 (有些结构属书面语):
They found the book easy; felt it cold; felt themselves guilty; saw him so sad; learned her gone; discovered the house empty.
They thought him honest; fancied themselves right; imagined it easy; supposed it true; presumed it genuine; esteemed themselves happy; considered it easy; figured (or counted) it good; accounted themselves innocent; believed it true; judged it good; concluded him dead; held it cheap; held me dear; conceived themselves safe; knew him honest; took it easy (or ill, amiss); remembered him still young.

They made him responsible; got the floor dirty; had the tickets ready; had their pockets empty; rendered the work difficult; turned the situation favourable; drove (or set, made) him mad (or wild); sent me crazy; struck him dead (or dumb, speechless, deaf, blind); left everything topsy-turvy.

He pushed (or flung, threw, burst, broke, forced, kicked, held) the door open; slammed the door shut; cut the string short; shot her dead; boiled the eggs hard; opened it wide; beat (or hammered) it flat; washed (or brushed, wiped, licked, swept) it clean; slit the envelope open; beat (or pinched) her black and blue, burned himself dead; knocked himself senseless; shook me awake.

◎约有20个宾补动词 (多由不及物动词变成) 表示人的动作,后面常跟自身代词:
They talked (or sang) themselves ill (or hoarse); drank themselves drunk; ate themselves sick; slept themselves sober; read themselves asleep; cried (or wept) themselves blind; laughed themselves red in the face (or hoarse); shouted themselves hoarse; walked themselves lame; stripped themselves naked; danced themselves weary, wept themselves sober; studied themselves silly.

◎至少有30个及物动词 (大多表示精神活动), 可以成为宾补动词,但要求形容词前加as:
They abandoned it as useless; acknowledged themselves as careless; accepted (or announced) the story as true; censured this chapter as unnecessary; certified the statement (as) correct; construed his reply as unfavourable; counted themselves as (or for) dead (or lost); criticized him as heartless; declared themselves as clever; denied it as stupid; denounced him as traitorous; decided him as silly; described the case as serious; designated him as dishonest; couldn’t ensure the business as profitable; feigned themselves as ignorant of the robbery; gave me up as (or for) dead (or hopeless).
▲有无数的宾补动词可用地点副词 (或称副词型小品词) 作宾语补语
He kept the child away from the dog; scolded his maid away; wished me away; bothered the guests away; snatched her letter away. He talked the hours away (=talked so that the hours flitted away); wept the night away; dreamed his hours away (=passed his hours in dreaming); drank his property away (=drank so much that he became poor); laughed my fears away (=dismissed them by laughing); explained my doubts away.

◎约有70个宾补动词后面不必跟as. 这类动词有些后面可以加as, 但也可不加:
They made (or crowned, anointed) him King; appointed (or nominated) him (as) Minister of Finance; consecrated him archbishop; constituted (or inaugurated) him president; chose (or elected) him (as) their leader; promoted him general; commissioned him general.
◎有许多动词 (多数表示精神活动) 由于使用as, 变成宾补动词,这和上面的例句不同,as不能省略:
They criticized the plan as a failure; denounced him as a public enemy; blamed the policy as a great mistake; cursed me as a madman; looked down upon him as a fool; mocked me as a clown.
They valued it as a precious gift; admired her as an intelligent girl; looked up to him as an authority; extolled him as a hero; held him up as an example; thought much of me as a good writer.

They KEPT their children in good health (=kept their children healthy), him in prison (or custody, chains, confinement), him in countenance, me in the dark, me in suspense, the house in good repairs, the school in order, the articles in stock, their own mind (or nerve) on the stretch, their own children out of harm’s way, some of the mad men under restraint, the prisoners under guard (or control).
They LEFT it out of account (or consideration, calculation) (=ignored it), me in the dark, the servant in charge of the house, it on deposit in the bank.
He TOOK them at a disadvantage, her at her word, his little children in tow, every small thing into account (or consideration, calculation), his enemy off his guard, everything she said on trust, the child under his wing.
▲约有90个表示判断的动词用“to be + 补语”或“to have + 过去分词”作补语。这个句型一般表示主语认为或宣布某人或某物是什么 (样) 或做过某事:
They believed (or thought, figured, maintained) him to be honest, the book to be useful, him to have been unruly, the book to have been useful.
They supposed (or presumed, assumed, allowed [dated], conceived) him to be an expert (or an honest man), the instrument to be useless; granted this to be true.
▲约有140个宾补动词 (表示“愿望”或“命令”) 可以用任何不定式 (包括to be) 作补语。这种句型通常表示“主语 + 希望或请求 + 名词 + 作某事或成为什么”:
They wanted (or wished) him to teach their son, everybody to be a saint.
They intend (or mean, desire) him to study abroad.
This story is calculated (=designed) to mislead the public.
They expected him to work hard.
He designed the furniture to fit his room.
I recommend her to learn music.

They asked for us to settle the matter.
They gestured and shouted for him to come back.
Most of us longed (or hoped) for the war to be over, but some dreaded for a peace to come.
I wished (or pressed) for it to be done at once.
I agree for him to pay me next week.

I watched (or looked at, beheld, perceived, saw, observed, noticed) him come. We watched the plane fly. He found (or witnessed) her speak with someone. He heard (or overheard, listened to) her sing. I felt the pressure in- crease. He felt himself grow interested in music.

They kept me waiting; kept the machine running.
He left me standing outside. The news left me wondering.
I cannot have (=cannot suffer) (or won’t have) them wasting their time.
I will have (=insist on) you finishing it by January.
We shall have the rain coming (=The rain will come).

▲至少有20个不及物动词要求分词前加 as才能变成宾补动词:
He fancied her clothes as being made of gold; recognized me as speaking on behalf of all; accepted me as having seen much of the world; described the city as expressing a modern idea of speed; treated money as having little value; dismissed the fault as being the result of carelessness; visualized her as having pretty eyes; saw life as being a dream; struck me as being a fool.

I’ve never heard this song sung.
He felt himself lifted up, insulted, hypnotized.
I must (or will) see (=ensure) the work done, her revenged.
I’ve never seen a man hanged. He saw the village burned.


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  • qianyi0129 提出于 2015-08-13 22:20
