20 people's lives还是peoples' lives



The study theorizes about the role of dreams in peoples’ lives. 这项研究从理论上说明了梦在人们一生中的作用。

老师们热烈讨论了是该用 people's lives 还是 peoples' lives 的问题。





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最佳答案 2022-01-25 08:26

这位网友的问题可以参考Practical English Usage (Third Edition, 2005)——也就是大家所熟悉的《牛津英语用法指南》。该书在第312节“英语的种类”(kinds of English)中“变异与变化”(variation and change)一节提到了“小的以及不那么重要的细微区别的混用或消失”(Small, less important distinctions are confused or disappear),其中有这样一段说明:

Some irregular verb forms like sank / sunk, sang / sung or lay / laid are quite often confused in speech. Examples from the British radio:

He wrote eight operas, all of which sunk without trace.

... a song she sung in yesterday’s concert.

Infinitives and -ing forms after verbs also sometimes get mixed up. An example from a letter:

I now have pleasure to enclose the correct proposal form (instead of ...pleasure in enclosing... )

When confusions like these become widespread, they can lead to language change. This may well happen with the possessive -’s form: more and more people are leaving out the apostrophe or putting it in the ‘wrong’ place, so that this spelling convention might one day lose its importance and even disappear.

注意上面加粗部分的内容:……此类情况很可能发生在名词所有格 -’s 形式中:越来越多的人省略所有格的撇号或者将其放在“错误”的位置上,因此,所有格的拼写习惯可能会在某一天失去其重要性甚至消失。

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其它 3 个回答

王汝涛   - 英语教师

在英语中,一般来说,正确的用法应该是people's lives. 除非在上下文清楚的情况下指不同民族的生活,如:some native peoples' lives. (其实这种语境罕见)。但大家偶然会在某出版物或网站看到peoples' lives, 也没有上下文说明是不同民族,我认为这是由于不少母语的人习惯性错误造成的。因为people这个词,经常以-'s形式出现,如:people's choice. 但人们在说people’s 这个词的时候,和peoples发音是一样的,所以在写的时候顺手容易写成peoples'  其实这属于一个习惯性的错误。在国外的语言学校,老师也经常纠正这个错误。母语的人经常犯拼写错误,有时所属格的’都不写,可以说是一些人的一个毛病。在网友的例句中,更不可能有民族差异。难道不同的民族梦的角色还不同?一般来说,民族是个群体,人才是生活的载体,一般也不分民族,通常都用people's lives. 如果一定要表述不同民族不同的生活,人们一般也不用peoples'  lives 这样的搭配。比如可以说the lifestyles of people from different nations  the lives of people from different enthnic groups. 如果我们在谷歌搜索一下,英语国家媒体普遍使用的是people's lives. 几乎见不到peoples’ lives. 外网有人在讨论people's lives的所属格时,母语的人几乎一致认为peoples' lives 是错的。我这里随便找了一个:https://www.quora.com/Which-is-correct-peoples-lives-or-people-lives  既然连母语的人都普遍认为peoples' lives 是错的,我们还有什么可纠结的呢?请注意,我这里主要说的是people's lives这个搭配的用法,并不是说一见到peoples' 就认为是错,如果指不同民族群体,peoples'就对了。如:Secure land tenure protects indigenous peoples' rights.  总之,学英语,与时俱进是对的,但不要舍本逐末。对一些人们普遍不认同的东西,先不要接受,尤其对英语不是母语的我们来讲,更该如此。

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凡哥英语   - 归师


1. 原问题是,牛津字典在解释 “theorize”这个词条的时候,给出了“...theorizes...in peoples’ lives”这个例句,请注意:这里字典是解释theorize这个词条,附带了一个例句,而不是讨论"人们的生活"究竟要如何翻译成英文才恰当。而且,是字典本身给的例句,不是网友在网络上搜索的例句。部分老师和网友纠结这个翻译的好与不好,本身就有点偏离原文讨论方向了。因为原网友是怀疑peoples' lives 这种表达是对还是错。所以我们首先要明白,一个词组英译的好与不好,和对与错,是两个不同的概念---好与不好,只是优劣问题,但再劣,也说不上是错;但对与错就不同了。

2. 我当初和蒋红秀老师的讨论之所以没有最终结果,是因为我是针对原网友的提问,讨论peoples' lives这个表达本身是对还是错,并举出了很多例证。而蒋红秀老师似乎是在讨论人们的生活应该如何翻译成英文才好,这个当然就不会有最终结果。我的一个基本逻辑就是:一系列权威英文字典给出了一个并没有上下文的英文例句,例句中出现了peoples' lives这个词组,那么我们中国人凭什么就信心满满地认为,那个英文例句一定是指人们的生活,而不是指 不同民族之间的生活,从而推论出 peoples' lives这个表达出错了?面对一本英文字典的英文例句,我们究竟应该是从中文的角度,来推论英文的对错,还是应该从英文的角度,来理解它的中文含义?你只要能弄明白这个逻辑,或者回答出这个问题,不用长篇大论,也不用想太多,答案就应该很清楚了。

3. 如果你是想讨论中文"人们的生活"如何翻译成英文,那么如果是我翻译的话,普通意义上的 人们的生活,我会用 people's lives。如果这个人们指的是不同群体,那我会用peoples' lives。这个就看原文是要表达什么含义了。所以我个人觉得如果是翻译的话,也没有什么好纠结的。当然,你也可以邀请老师和网友讨论这个翻译问题,但这与原问题就没有太大关系了。

4.无论如何,成熟的、权威的字典,是不可能收录人们普遍不认同的表达的。即使因特殊原因要收录,一般也会有过时之类的标注。而同一家族,一系列最新版的字典,是一系列,不是某一本,都用peoples' lives,那你觉得typo的可能性有多大呢?


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alex119   - 工程师


1. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English7版,9版和10版)

The study theorizes about the role of dreams in peoples’ lives.


2.Oxford Advanced American Dictionary for learners of Englishhttps://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/definition/american_english/有帐号可以登录)


 verb verb

/ˈθiəˌraɪz/ [intransitive, transitive] theorize (about/on something) theorize something theorize that…Verb Forms

to suggest facts and ideas to explain something; to form a theory or theories about something

The study theorizes about the role of dreams in peoples’ lives.


3.Oxford American Dictionary for Learners of English(光盘)

the•o•rize /ˈθiəraɪz/ verb [I,T]

to suggest facts and ideas to explain something; to form a theory about something

The study theorizes about the role of dreams in people’s lives.





1为什么都是牛津的系列还是同一个例句而说法不同,有的是用的 people’s lives,而有的是用 peoples’ lives?是不是字典搞错了?

2如果不是字典搞错了,那这是怎么回事,凡哥英语网友的解释,我个人认为还是很合理的,只是我的疑问是:研究不同种族,不同国别之间人的对比,那么我的遣词造句就会使用 peoples’ lives这个说法有无其他例句支撑或是说法支撑?



1.Collins COBUILD English Language Dictionary by John Sinclairinterference词条)

Bureaucracy resulted in more official interference in peoples’ lives...

注意这本词典有第二版和第三版,但是第二,三版这个例句被删除了,换成另一个了。我个人觉得是John Sinclair误用了。


2. Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary7(stake词条)

We cannot afford to take risks when peoples’ lives are at stake.


We cannot afford to take risks when people’s lives are at stake.




standing n [Ul

someone’s reputation and position compared to other people in a group or society, based on other peoples’ opinion of them


4. 朗文当代高级英语辞典最新的6th(纸质英文原版)

standing noun [uncountable]

someone’s reputation and position compared to other people in a group or society, based on other people’s opinion of them




The book tells of the native peoples’ way of life in the mountain regions of the north.



蒋红秀老师同样在这本词典中找到(见该词典第2078页),认为要说people’s lives,不能用peoples’ lives”,这个我也找到了,只是这个说法说服力不足。




Gradually new customs took a firm hold in peoples’ lives.



Religion gives meaning to many people’s lives.


7.  ELT Journal, Volume 46, Issue 1, January 1992, Pages 5–11, https://doi.org/10.1093/elt/46.1.5

In today’s world—well on the way, in spite of obvious hatreds and disharmonies, to being in several respects one world—understanding of other peoples’ lives and ways of looking at life are badly needed, if only to counterbalance prejudice. 谈的是民族


8.“Good Word Guide: The fast way to correct English”2010年第6,在P227专门讨论了这个问题:(最近瞎翻书翻到的)

Note that the possessive of people when referring to a single group or people in general is formed by adding -’s:

He is the people’s favourite.

When referring to several groups or nations the possessive is formed by adding -s’:

an oppressed peoples’ organization



The study theorizes about the role of dreams in peoples’ lives.


The study theorizes about the role of dreams in people’s lives.




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