
1.A blow _ his head was strong enough to render him uncoscious.   A. to   B.on       2.一张3200美元账单   a bill _ 3200 dollars.  A. of    B.for   请问选什么,并给出理由,谢谢!老师新年好
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最佳答案 2021-02-17 19:32

1.A blow _ his head was strong enough to render him uncoscious.   A. to   B.on

【答】 B.on   是正确答案。如:a nasty blow on the head 对头部的猛击(《牛津英语搭配词典》英汉双解版p.154)

2.一张3200美元账单   a bill _ 3200 dollars.  A. of    B.for   请问选什么,并给出理由,谢谢!老师新年好

【答】 B.for 是答案,如:a bill for ten dollars 10美元的账单

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  • 曹强 提出于 2021-02-17 09:31