3 关于no loss of的疑问

老师,以下是VOA Special English中的一篇文章,我只摘抄了开始的一部份内容,请老师大概看一下:

The first human moon landing happened more than 50 years ago. But did you know that human astronauts were not the first Earthlings to travel in space and circle the moon?

That honor goes to two Russian tortoises and several smaller creatures that went along for the ride.

On September 14, 1968, the Soviet space program sent two tortoises — along with some flies and worms — into space for a trip around the moon. NASA calls it "the first successful circumlunar mission carried out by any nation."

After a week-long trip, the tortoises landed on Earth by parachute in the Indian Ocean. They traveled back to Moscow on October 7.

Both tortoises survived the trip but not the experiment. NASA records state that the animals were dissected on October 11, 1968, to see how their bodies were affected by the space travel.

Dissection showed that "the main structural changes in the tortoises were caused by a lack of food and not the space travel." The tortoises had lost about 10 percent of their body weight. But they had stayed active and showed no loss of appetite.

我的疑问出现在最后一句话中:【But they had stayed active and showed no loss of appetite
1. 这里的 they had stayed active 为什么要用过去完成时?
2. 我把【showed no loss of appetite】改成【did not lose their appetite】可以吗?我主要是想知道 show 后面接 no 是一种什么用法?

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最佳答案 2021-02-17 13:18

1. 主要因为段首用了Dissection showed (解刨表明)过去式,所以后面表明的都是解刨之前就存在的事实,所以用过去完成时。当然也可以用过去式,但过去完成时强调结果和影响。

2. 你可以改为had not shown any loss of appetite. 不能用过去式,因为前半句是完成时,要保持时态一致。这里最好使用shown,不要使用showed,尽管有些美国人这样用,不规范。no=not.. any。例如:I have no money. = I don't have any money.

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