all of该怎么理解?

We are running out of time. If we delay, we lose our chance to end this threat against all of our families.

We know all of our divisions.  All of our hatreds.  They didn't just magically disappear the moment you set us free.

我知道all可以作限定词,如all my friends,但以上against all of our families,know  all of our divisions.,All of our hatreds中的all of是限定词吗?我觉得our families、our dievisions、our hatreds才是语义的重心,感觉all of就是个限定作用。所以应该把all视为代词,of短语分析为定语,还是all of是限定词呢?另外all作限定词和all of是一样的吗?

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最佳答案 2021-02-17 16:08

只以all of the families为例说明。all the families 中,中心词为families,all是前位限定词。而all of the families中,all为代词,是名词词组的中心词,of介词短语为后置定语,表示整体与部分之间的关系,all则表示整体中的全部。二种表达意思十分接近,但all the families 突出的是families,而all of the families 突出的是all。 

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