
I saw the old lady across the road. 我护送老太太穿过马路。
此句中的 across 是介词,其实它在这里具有动态意义,相当于“动词+介词”的用法。

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最佳答案 2015-09-03 15:26

有些介词,如 into, noto, out of, to 等,一般表示动态意义,所以通常与“动作动词”连用。如:
A boy jumped onto the stage. 一个男孩跳上了舞台。
She walked into the bank and pulled out a gun. 她走进银行,突然拔出了枪。
He was very angry and marched out of the shop. 他很生气,大步走出了商店。
After a quick breakfast, he hurried to the station. 匆匆忙忙吃完早餐,他就赶到车站去了。
有些介词,如 at, in, on 等,通常表示静态意义,所以通常与“位置动词”连用。如:
He sat on the bench and waited. 他坐在长凳上等着。
We waited in the porch until it stopped raining. 我们在门廊等到雨停。

Help the blind man across the street. 帮助那位盲人过马路。(across 表动态意义)
He sat across the table from me. 他隔着桌子坐在我对面。(across 表静态意义)
The coin rolled under the table. 硬币滚到桌子下面去了。(under 表动态意义)
Let’s all sit under this tree. 咱们都坐在这棵树下。(under 表静态意义)

注意那些表“有目的的动作”,如 lay, place, sit, stand 等,通常不能与表示动态意义的 into, onto 连用。如:
不说:She laid the box onto the table.
而说:She laid the box on the table. 她把箱子放在桌子上。
The cat shot across the garden, and up a tree. 那只猫快速穿过花园,上了一颗树。
I marched him across the room, down the hall and out onto the doorstep. 我拽着他穿过房间和大厅,来到门阶上。

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其它 2 个回答



1. at可表“一听到……;一看到……”。

At the bad news, he got dumbfounded.一听到这个坏消息,他目瞪口呆。

2. for可表①去,往;②取,拿;③有时需灵活翻译。

① He'll start for Shanghai.他要出发去上海。

② I'll go back home for some money. 我要回家去拿些钱。(to get/to fetch)

③ It's time for lunch.该吃午饭了。(to have)

I'll go to the country for several days.我要去乡下住(呆)几天。(to stay)

He'll go to the library for some books. 他要去图书馆借几本书。(to borrow)

3. with可表“用”(工具、身体器官等);in可表“用”(语言、色彩等)。

I won’t believe it till I've seen it with my own eyes.我要亲眼看到才会相信。

On the calendar, Saturday and Sunday are marked in red. 在日历上,周六和周日是用红色标注的。

4. by 可表①“乘,坐”;②有时需灵活翻译。

① He often goes to work by bike.他常骑自行车上班。

② The composition by Li Pin got an "A". 李平写的作文得了“A”等。(by前省略了written)

Twenty by five is four. 20除以5等于4。(by前省略了divided)


That bridge is under construction. 那座桥正在建造中。

The problem is under discussion. 这个问题正在讨论中。

 有许多介词都可以被灵活地作为动词翻译。如(84年版)高一课文“Abraham Lincoln”中有这样一句:

...government of the people, by the people and for the people. ……民有、民治和民享的政府。

句中的of, by, for三个介词都有动词含义,构成短语作定语修饰government。又如:

The hunter went across the brook, through the valley, over the hill and into the forest. 猎人蹚过小河、穿过峡谷、翻过山梁,然后进入丛林。


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黎反修   - 英语翻译 (已退休)

有些介词可以具有动态用法和(或)情态用法,主要根据词义或者上下文来判断。例如:across表示“在......对面”时,就是静态用法。又如,abroad表示“到国外”的意思时(如 go abroad)是动态用法;表示“在国外”的意思时(如live / study abroad)就是静态用法。

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  • 萍萍   提出于 2015-08-11 15:21
