3 句体谓体状语判断

老师,可不可以认为能提到句首的时间或地点状语就是修饰全句的?比如这样She isn't coming for a tutorial this afternoon. This afternoon she isn't coming for a tutorial.如果这个观点成立那么时间状语从句也可以提到句子前面为什么我们认为时间状语从句是修饰谓语而不是全句呢?

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最佳答案 2021-01-30 09:30


夸克 《大全》:p 511.

Sentence adjuncts

8.36 The most obvious way in which sentence adjuncts mark themselves off from

predication adjuncts is by their relative freedom to occur at I position as well

as E. In this way they demonstrate what we can intuitively feel: that they

relate to the sentence as a whole rather than solely or predominantly to the V

and post-V elements. Thus on the cheek and on theplatj3rm both possess the

adjunct characteristics presented in 8.25 :

She kissed her mother on the cheek. [l]

She kissed her mother on the platform. [21

But the relative centrality (cf2.13) of the adjunct in [l] as compared with the

more peripheral orbit of that in [21 is shown by the awkwardness of:

?On the cheek, she kissed her mother. [lal

as compared with:

On theplatform, she kissed her mother. [2al

更多内容你可阅读夸克大全P 511-513.


Many people eat in Chinese restaurangt in London, 

in Chinese restaurant 为谓体状语,in London为句子状语。所以,

In London, many people eat in Chinese restaurant. 正确。

In Chinese restaurant,many people eat in London. 错误。

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  • Devin   提出于 2021-01-29 23:07