shuttered to think 什么意思呢?

But CNN's John Avlon explains how the amendment and the debate around it get a lot more complicated from there.

The text is relatively recent born right after John F. Kennedy died brought up by members of administration including his brother Bobby

who shuttered to think what might have happened had the president been only incapaciated in Dallas.

请问老师:...recent born...这里怎么理解和分析?还有shuttered to think 什么意思呢?

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最佳答案 2021-01-30 10:06

你的句子有的地方有错误,似乎像口语体。rent born=recently born    shuttered to think 没有这个说法,我想应该是shuddered to think, 就是很焦虑地认为。。。

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