10 classifying adjective和qualitative adjective的理解问题

在书上看到 classifying adjective 和 qualitative adjective 这一对语法术语,书的翻译是“分类形容词”和“性质形容词”。能请专家老师给分析一下吗?比如哪些形容词(常见的)属于分类形容词,哪些形容词(常见的)属于性质形容词?非常感谢!(献鲜花10朵

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最佳答案 2015-09-08 00:10


1. classifying adjective 分类形容词

An adjective which is used to identify something as being of a particular type is an classifying adjective, eg. Indian, wooden, mental. They do not have comparatives or superlatives. Here is a list of classifying adjectives:

absolute, active, actual, agricultural, alternative, annual, apparent, available, basic, central, chemical, civil, commercial, communist, conservative, cultural, daily, democratic, direct, domestic, double, due, east, eastern, economic, educational, electric, empty, external, female, financial, foreign, free, full, general, golden, historical, human, ideal, independent, industrial inevitable intellectual, internal, international, legal, local, magic, male, medical, mental, military, modern, moral, national, natural, negative, north, northern, nuclear, official, open, original, personal, physical, political, positive, possible, potential, private, professional, proper, public, raw, ready, real, religious, revolutionary, right, royal, rural, scientific, separate, sexual, single, social, solid, sooth, southern, standard, straight, sufficient, theoretical, traditional, urban, west, western, wooden, wrong.

2. qualitative adjective 性质形容词

An adjective which is used to indicate a quality, and which is gradable, is an qualitative adjective, eg. funny, intelligent, small. Here is a list of qualitative adjectives:

active, angry, anxious, appropriate, attractive, bad, beautiful, big, brief, bright, broad, busy, calm, careful, cheap, clean, clear, close, cold, comfortable, common, complex, cool, curious, dangerous, dark, dear, deep, determined, different, difficult, dirty, dry, easy, effective, efficient, expensive, fair, familiar, famous, fast, fat, fine, firm, flat, frank, free, fresh, friendly, frightened, funny, good, great, happy, hard, heavy, high, hot, important, interesting, kind, large, late, light, likely, long, loose, loudlovely, low, lucky, narrow, nervous, new, nice, obvious, odd, old, pale, patient, plain, pleasant, poor, popular, powerful, pretty, proud, quick, quiet, rare, reasonable, rich, rough, sad, safe, sensible, serious, sharp, shocked, short, sick, significant, silly, simple, slow, small, soft, special, steady, strange, strong, stupid, successful, suitable, sure, surprised, sweet, tall, terrible, thick, thin, tight, tiny, tired, typical, understanding, useful, violent, warm, weak, wet, wide, wild, worried, young.

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