如何理解no stranger than = 应该是等于as familiar as的意思吗?

But how strange it was that the creative instinct should seize upon this dull stockbroker, to his own ruin, perhaps, and to the misfortune of such as were dependent on him; and yet no stranger than the way in which the spirit of God has seized men, powerful and rich, pursuing them with stubborn vigilance till at last, conquered, they have abandoned the joy of the world and the love of women for the painful austerities of the cloister. 

1)开头how引导的感叹句,以前通常是How strange it was!但是这里在was后又接了that the creative instinct...是什么语法成分? 指that语法作用?

2)其次,such as were dependent on him, 以前似乎只看到such...as...分开用的结构,这里为什么such as连在一起使用了?such as连在一起使用是什么意思呢?

3)如何理解no stranger than = 应该是等于as familiar as的意思吗?和...一样熟悉的意思吗?那么the way in which怎么分析?另外,就是no stranger than修饰the way in which吗?

     麻烦老师分析一下and yet no stranger than the way in which the spirit of God has seized men 语法成分句法结构和句意,谢谢!

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最佳答案 2021-01-11 17:52

1 it为形式主语,that从句为真正主语从句。陈述句的句式为:It is very strange that sb shoudl do sth. 你很容易看出形式主语和真正主语吧。改为感叹句你就不认识结构了吗?

2 与such 呼应的as都是引导比较分句的,只不过as分句常省略成分,当省略到只剩下一个名词词组时,as看上去像是个介词了。其实那是省略了系词be. such可以是限定词,后接名词;such也可以是代词。无论限定词such还是代词such都可以被as比较分句修饰。你的句子中,such为代词,等于such people, as were dependent on him为比较分句,由他供养的这些人。

3 no stranger than.前面省略了it was  it指代前一句的that从句内容。在此的意思是,更为奇怪的是。这是和前一句话在作比较。前一句that从句所描述的内容已经非常奇怪了,但也没有the way which...奇怪。所以翻译为更为奇怪的是...。


通常no+比较级+than, 表示二者都否定,例如,He is no taller than you. = Neither he or you are tall.  但这是比较结构的修辞性用法。其目的不是比较,而是要表示二者都否定的意义。实际应用中,no+比较级+than也有可能是普通的比较用法,这时就不能按照修辞性用法去理解了。本句中的no stranger than就是普通的比较用法,并没有二者都否定的含义。因为前一句已经用感叹句表面太奇怪了,本句用no stranger than表示,大致等于less strange than。

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