will have been worth while to这种形式既是将来完成时,又是情态动词表推测,怎么区分呢?

"Of course a miracle may happen, and you may be a great painter, but you must confess the chances are a million to one against it. It'll be an awful sell if at the end you have to acknowledge you've made a hash of it."

"I've got to paint," he repeated.

"Supposing you're never anything more than third-rate, do you think it will have been worth while to give up everything? After all, in any other walk in life it doesn't matter if you're not very good; you can get along quite comfortably if you're just adequate; but it's different with an artist."

1)never anything more than 是什么意思呢?

2)为什么要用将来完成时will have been worth while to 呢? 可以说成do you think it is/will be worth while to, 即is/will be可否?这里的will have been worth while to究竟是将来完成时,还是will是情态动词表推测呢?

因为will have been worth while to这种形式既是将来完成时,又是情态动词表推测,怎么区分呢?

3)顺便问一下老师,结尾处我什么事different with, 而不是different from/than ? 似乎没见过different with这这种用法?

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最佳答案 2021-01-17 14:41

1)       你应该注意前面的那句话:It'll be an awful sell if at the end you have to acknowledge you've made a hash of it. (如果到头来你不得不承认你搞砸了,画没有画好,画是很难卖的。) 即说话人已经假设可能听话人将来不会成功。接下来的这句话仍然是对at the end这个将来时间的假设:Do you think it will have been worth while to give up everything? It为形式主语,to give up everything为真正主语。放弃一切(专门画画)对于at the end这个将来时间而言是过去的动作,所以be worthwhile用将来完成时will have been worthwhile. 你读句子要结合上下文语境,要有全局观。不能单从一个句子去判断该用什么时态。这个句子是不能用is will be的。关键就在前一句话的at the end这个线索。你以后要注意,不要再犯同类错误!

2)       Never anything more than = nothing more than = 只是、仅仅。 Supposing you're never anything more than third-rate 假设你只是个三流画家。

3)       这里并不是作比较。干别的工作,一个人可以不出色,可以平庸,但当画家则不同,你必须非常出色才能成功。所以这里不用from/than表示比较对象。With在此表示对于而言。

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