there be后面接并列名词的主谓一致

在一道语法填空题中,考查了there be句型的用法:

The art dates back to the late eighteen century and there ______ acting, talking, singing, music, dancing, and acrobatics.

答案是填are,但是there be不是要遵循就近原则的吗?acting作为动名词be动词不是应该用is吗?


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最佳答案 2020-12-26 17:39

The art dates back to the late eighteen century and there ______ acting, talking, singing, music, dancing, and acrobatics.

你的疑问是有道理的。这道题出得并不严谨。本句填 is are 都不算错。

在通常情况下,there be需遵循就近原则,但这并不是绝对的。我手头曾收集过一些相关的例句,比如:

There is gin, whisky and sherry; which will you have? 我们这里有杜松子酒、威士忌酒以及雪利酒。您想要哪一种?(《牛津英语语法》)

In his makings there are generosity, gallantry and something of the like.  在他的气质中有着慷慨、豪侠以及诸如此类的东西。(《英语介词用法词典》)

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其它 1 个回答

凡哥英语   - 海归英语教师

并非所有的语法规则,老外的看法都一致there be 的就近原则就是一例。有些语法专家就认为 there be 的就近原则(类似网友举的例子)只适用于informal English,而在 formal English中,还得要用 there are。比如 Azar 所写的 Understanding and Using Grammar 一书中就明确指出:

Formal: There are a book and a pen on the desk.

Informal: There is a book and a pen on the desk.

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  • allonic 提出于 2020-12-26 11:02