6 2017年浙江省高考卷阅读理解B的难句理解


2017年浙江省高考卷6月,B阅读理解题第二段里有这样两句话But the new National Sleep Foundation survey found that 35% of 10- to 12-year-olds get only seven or eight hours. And guess what almost half of the surveyed kids said they do before bedtime? Watch TV.

我不知道如何对第二句话的句子结构进行梳理分析(And guess what almost half of the surveyed kids said they do before bedtime):在what引导的宾语从句里面嵌套有said they,如何分析said they在句中的语法作用?我感觉从句里面的句子如果简化成And guess what almost half of the surveyed kids do before bedtime 才好理解. 但试题里面原句却嵌套有said they.如何正确理解原句语法结构和进行翻译,盼老师指导,谢谢!

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最佳答案 2020-12-19 19:41

But the new National Sleep Foundation survey found that 35% of 10- to 12-year-olds get only seven or eight hours. And guess what almost half of the surveyed kids said they do before bedtime? Watch TV.
网友能够体会到嵌入式”的概念是很不错的,可惜把嵌入的部分划分错了。实际是这样的:黑体部分是嵌入式,what they do before bedtime 是名词性从句。也就是说在名词性从句what they do before bedtime 中,嵌入了一个主谓成分almost half of the surveyed kids said),让名词性从句作其宾语,但位置放在 what 之后。—— 这叫做嵌入式名词性关系分句,作 guess 的宾语。

【翻译】但国家睡眠基金会的最新调查发现,在1012岁的青少年中,35% 的人每天只睡78个小时。猜猜看,几乎有一半的受访孩子说他们睡前会做什么? (答案是)看电视。

 “嵌入式” 现象无处不在,据我所知,含有 “嵌入式” 的句子或从句,大致有六种。网友这个句子属于“嵌入式名词性关系分句”。我再分析几个句子:

What he had hoped would be a sudden grab turned into an awkward attempt to pull the stick. 

he had hoped  “嵌入部分”。

What would be a sudden grab 是“名词性关系分句”,作句子的主语,turned into an awkward attempt to pull the stick是谓语部分。“名词性关系分句” What would be a sudden grab, 被嵌入he had hoped 后,自动成为 hoped 的宾语。


1. Say what you think is most urgent.


2. Just do what you think is right.《牛津词典》

3. This is what he thinks is important.

【分析】名词性关系分句 what is important,也 he thinks 的宾语从句。what=the thing which, 所以本句等于:

This is the thing which he thinks is important. 这样,句子就成了“嵌入式定语从句”了。

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其它 1 个回答


And guess what almost half of the surveyed kids said they do before bedtime? 



◊ Guess is used in phrases like guess what or guess who as an informal way of indicating that you have surprising news.
  • Guess what!” “What?” “I bought a new car.”
  • Guess who I saw yesterday!” “Who?” “My old boyfriend from high school.”
  • Guess where I'm going on my vacation!
  • You'll never guess what happened to me today. [=you will be surprised by what happened to me today]

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