a fast swimmer的用法

书上将a fast swimmer 翻译成:游泳快的人

但如果我来写,肯定会写成:a person who swims fast

怎样才能想到 a fast swimmer 这样的表达呢?


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最佳答案 2020-12-19 12:50




▲以 a fast...为例:

Mary was a fast runner玛丽跑得快。

I’m quite a fast worker, but I’ve got nothing on her! 我干得已经够快了,不过还是远远比不上她!

Sean’s a fast thinker, and he acts on impulse. 肖恩是个思维敏捷、凭一时冲动行事的人。


She is a swift runner她跑得快。

He is a rapid worker. 他干活快。

He’s a speedy worker. 他干活快。

He is a fleet runner. 他跑得快。

 a slow...为例:

He was a slow developer. 他发育慢。

He is a slow runner / driver / reader他跑步慢/开车慢/看书慢。

Peter is a slow learner, but he gets there in the end. 彼得虽然学得慢些,但终于还是成功了。

He topped her glass up after complaining she was a slow drinker他抱怨她喝得太慢,随即又把她的杯子续满。

 a heavy...为例:

heavy smoker / drinker 烟瘾/酒瘾极大的人

You won’t wake him—he’s such a heavy sleeper. 你不会吵醒他——他睡觉很沉。

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  • 田志斌 提出于 2020-12-15 22:05
