
Or perhaps I had merely grown used to it,grown to accept West Egg as a world complete in itself,with its own standards and its own great figures,second to nothing because it had no consciousness of being so.



1.逗号隔开的with its own standards...做什么成分呢?

2.grown to accept...这里是分词结构吗,还是had grown的省略?如果是第二种情况,应该有and吧?

3.second to nothing在句中是什么成分?


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最佳答案 2021-02-01 16:00

complete in itself, with its own standards and its own great figures, second to nothing 这三部分都是world的定语。

a world complete in itself, 

a world with its own standards and its own great figures 

a world second to nothing

我觉得grown按照省略了had 理解较好。因为这二个grown都是不及物动词的过去分词,意为逐渐变化。其后为grown的结果状语。(分析为系表结构也可以)。至于为什么没有并列连词and, 可能是因为第二个谓语在语义上是对第一个谓语的解释、补充。

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