关于on tonight的疑问(tonight前面可以用on吗)

tonight, today, tomorrow 这样的词不是直接可以用作状语吗?为什么要在前面加上介词 on 呢?比如下面这个句子:

There’s a programme on tonight which you might like.

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最佳答案 2015-07-15 12:06

其实,你的句子中的 on 与 tonight 无关。这里的 on 不是介词,而是副词,意思是“(指节目、电影、娱乐等)在上演,在放映,在演出”。又如:

Look in the TV guide to see what's on. 看看电视节目表上有什么节目?

What's on at the cinema tonight? 今晚电影院演什么?

There's a good play on at the local theatre. 本地剧院正在上演一出好剧。

What time is the news on? 新闻节目什麽时候开始?


There’s a programme on tonight which you might like. 

句中的 on 是副词,修饰 programme,作定语;which you might like 是定语从句,也是修饰 programme;tonight 是时间状语。

注意下面各句中的 on today, on tonight, on tomorrow, on yesterday 均容易误解,其实其中的 on 与 tonight, today, tomorrow, yesterday 均没有直接搭配关系,而是与句中的其他词有搭配关系或另有含义: 

He’s got a tie on today. 他今天系着一条领带。(have got sth on 穿,戴,系)

What will you speak on today? 你今晚谈论什么话题?(speak on =talk about = 谈论)

The patient was operated on yesterday. 病人昨天动的手术。(operate on sb = 为某人做手术)

There may be a romantic movie on tonight. 今晚可能上映一部罗曼蒂克的电影。(on = 上演)

My shoes are similar to the ones you had on yesterday. 我的鞋和你昨天穿的鞋很相似。(have sth on = 穿)

Council members are due to have informal discussions later on today. 委员会成员定于今日晚些时候进行非正式讨论。(later on = 晚些时候)

All eyes will be on tomorrow’s vote. 所有目光都将聚集在明天的投票上。(on 与 vote 有关)

The group will be performing live on tonight’s show. 该组合将在今晚的节目中进行现场表演。(on 与 show 有关)

Film star Matt Damon is one of the special guests on tonight’s programme. 影星马特•达蒙是今晚节目的特邀嘉宾之一。(on 与 programme 有关)

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  • feifie   提出于 2015-07-11 22:21
