
A: It is a good plan. But the safest course of action is deliver prematurely and remove the mass.

B: By "Deliver prematurely", you mean terminate the pregnancy.

A: Not necessarily, but yes. To save her life.

B: If I place internal iliac artery balloon catheters, I can control most bleeding as it happens.(注:此时病人正在内出血,这是医生紧急商讨对策)

A: Most?

B: I've performed surgeries that were a lot more complicated under much more difficult circumstances.



2.关于as it happens,我混乱不清了,请老师帮忙分析:

1)这里的as it happens是习语“碰巧”的意思吗?感觉似乎翻译为碰巧逻辑不太通。


3)语法上分析,as从句是bleeding的后置修饰语吗,和as we know it作后置修饰语的那种句子是一样的功能吗?

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最佳答案 2020-11-28 08:15

1 by介词短语是修饰mean的方式状语。

2 as 引导时间状语从句,it 指bleeding。当出血发生的时候。happen在此是发生的意思,不是碰巧。

3 as引导时间状语从句时为连词,不作成分。

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  • may52014 提出于 2020-11-24 05:22