
a. John Smith often murmurs, in other words, speaks in a very low voice.

疑问 :speaks in a very low voice能看成是murmurs的同位语吗?很多资料上在讲到同位语的概念时,一般是说对名词词组进行解释和说明的词组或句子,但是这里被解释的词是动词murmurs,因此有些疑问。

b. John Smith , hard-working and diligent, fits the job perfectly.

疑问 :我感觉这里的形容词应该是定语,而不是同位语。不知道老师的看法如何。

c. John Smith usually speaks in this way —slowly, clearly and confidently. (副词词组作同位语?)

d. John Smith comes from the capital city of England, that is, from London. (介词词组作同位语?)

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最佳答案 2020-11-24 10:07

John Smith often murmurs, in other words, speaks in a very low voice.
疑问 :speaks in a very low voice能看成是murmurs的同位语吗?很多资料上在讲到同位语的概念时,一般是说对名词词组进行解释和说明的词组或句子,但是这里被解释的词是动词murmurs,因此有些疑问。

——广义的同位语,应该不限于词性。除了名词和代词有同位语外,其他词性或词组也可以有同位成分。像用 in other words, that is,  that is to say, namely, i.e.  等标志语引出的成分,完全可以作同位语。本句的speaks in a very low voice 也应视为 murmurs 的同位语,它们互为同位语。同位语的一个检验标准是:主表关系,而且,表语必须是“确认性表语”。如果是“归属性表语”,则不可以。本句的情况,就是确认性表语:To murmur is to speak in a very low voice.

b. John Smith , hard-working and diligent, fits the job perfectly.
疑问 :我感觉这里的形容词应该是定语,而不是同位语。不知道老师的看法如何。
——网友观点正确。“人” ≠ 形容词。它们之间虽然存在主表关系,但不是“确认性质”,而是“归属性质”:John Smith is hard-working and diligent. (归属性表语)。归属性表语不可跟主语颠倒位置,而确认性表语可以。例如: To speak in a very low voice is to murmur.  其实,本句的hard-working and diligent 是非限制性定语或原因状语。
c. John Smith usually speaks in this way —slowly, clearly and confidently. (副词词组作同位语?)
d. John Smith comes from the capital city of England, that is, from London. (介词词组作同位语?)

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