请分析 not having + v-ed

Not having obtained a ticket for the match, I can only watch it on TV.

这个Not having obtained是什么用法?啥意思?是哪句话的简写吗?属于什么语法呢?

not后面加名词词性的词语对吗?所以having obtained是名词词性吗

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最佳答案 2021-06-29 23:50

having obtained a ticket for the match是现在分词短语作原因状语,相当于状语从句Because/As I haven’t obtained a ticket for the match。又如:

Not having read the entire annual report, I couldn't give comments at the meeting. 没有看完整个年度报告,我无法在会议上做出评论。



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  • faytrees 提出于 2020-11-23 10:30