

Monthly contributions to the pension scheme will be taken out of your salary.


书上说“just ...class”是形容词短语作定语,我怎么看它都是副词短语。

Wang Li,just back from the training class,was made director of the Maternity Home.



The chances are that the thief will be under 21 and doing it for a lark.

"doing it for a lark"应该是从句伴随状语,为什么句子用and而不是,隔开?

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最佳答案 2021-06-29 23:09

1 Monthly contributions to the pension scheme will be taken out of your salary.


Contributions to the pension scheme will be taken out of your salary monthly.





2 Wang Li, just back from the training class, was made director of the Maternity Home.

back表示回到原处这个意思时,绝大多数词典认为是副词。但《韦氏词典》在back作为形容词的词条下有 having returned 这个释义。也许这就是书上把back短语分析为形容词短语的原因。但根据多数词典的释义,还是分析为副词短语为宜。


3 The chances are that the thief will be under 21 and doing it for a lark.

chances are...为习语,词典对此的释义为=It is likely that...

你看的书的作者把形式主语或形式宾语与外置主语从句或宾语从句理解为同位关系。该作者根据词典对chances are的词典释义 it is likely that , that从句理解为同位语了。其实,从句子本身看,chances 为主语,are是系词,that从句为表语从句。估计这是绝大多数老师的分析。如果认为that从句是同位语从句,那么are就没有表语了,只能理解为不及物动词,表示”存在“。这种理解也并非不可,但估计是少数人的理解。你完全可以把that从句分析为表语从句。


至于and doing it for a lark 显然是欠妥的。不知这个句子出处为何。网友有说这是柯林斯词典的例句。我查了该词典(网络词典),未看到这个例句。你直接忽略后半部分就行了。

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