
电影《狮子王》的对白:A king's time is ruler rises and falls like the sun.

这里的 rises and falls 为动词,而前面is也是动词,语法是否是错误的?

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最佳答案 2021-06-13 20:17

网友核查一下,是不是抄错了句子。应该是漏掉了一个单词 as

A king's time is as ruler rises and falls like the sun.

这样的话,as 用作连词,引导表语从句,类似 like, as if 的用法。但与这两个连词比起来,as 的比较意义更加真实和确切。ruler 省略冠词。rises and falls 是从句的谓语动词,like the sun 是从句的状语。

A king's time is as ruler rises and falls like the sun.


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