50 way表示“方法”时用于way to doing sth的权威例句

Starting your own business could be a way to achieving financial independence. ________, it could just put you in debt.
A. In other words       B. All in all      C. As a result     D. On the other hand
大家讨论的重点并不是这道的答案如何选,而是讨论 a way to achieving 这一表达的用法问题——即这里的 a way to chieving 到底用得对不对!
【资料】我综合大家的意见和自己查的一些资料,我的结论是:way 后面接 to doing sth 是可能的,但主要用于某些特殊的搭配。如:
He is well on his way to becoming an officer of the company. (这里的 on one’s way to doing 表示即将做某事)
Could you see your way to lending me 10 for a couple of days?(这里的 see one’s way to doing sth 表示愿意做某事)
【联想】但在上面的一道高考题中,way 是表示“方式”“方法”“途径”的。句子意思是:开始你自己的事业可能是一种获得经济独立的方法。另一方面,它可能将你置于债务之中。
当 way 表示“方式”“方法”“途径”时,后接不定式或 of doing sth 的例句很多。如:
1. way to do sth 做某事的方式或方法
What is the best way to clean this? 用什么办法能把这个弄干净?
There’s only one sure way to do it. 做此事只有一种万全之策。
Is this a good way to spend taxpayers’ money? 这样用纳税人的钱好吗?
Can anybody think of a way to raise money? 有人能想出筹款的办法吗?
I tried to think of a way to repay his kindness. 我曾努力想办法回报他的好意。
Listening to music is a great way to relax. 听音乐是一种很好的放松方法。
2. way of doing sth 做某事的方式或方法
He has a funny way of doing things. 他有一套很有意思的做事方式。
I could see no way of resolving this moral dilemma. 我想不出应付这种道德取舍的办法。
Education was seen as a way of bolstering the existing regime. 教育被认为是巩固现有政权的一种方法。
He started stealing as a way of making easy money. 他开始偷窃是把这当作一种轻松来钱的方法。
【疑问】当 way 表示“方式”“方法”“途径”时,它后面可以接 to doing sth 吗?有这样的权威依据或例句吗?希望有纸质词典上的依据或例句!辛苦各位朋友,献上鲜花50朵!谢谢各位!

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最佳答案 2015-07-11 23:51


way 表示“方法,方式”(method, means)之意时,用“to do”或“of + doing”作定语均可。童老师已作了详尽的解释和给出了翔实的例句,不再赘述。

当 way 表示“道路”(path, road)之意时,后面的to是介词,“way to ...”意为“通向......之路”,后接名词或动名词。way的意义分“具体”和“抽象”两种情况,分述如下:


way to +地点名词(指目的地)

Can you tell me the way to the railway station?   你能告诉我往火车站的路怎么走吗?

I ran across Tom on my way to school. 在去学校的路上我碰到了汤姆。

I passed the store on my way to the library. 我在去图书馆的路上经过了那家商店。


1. way to +名词(指目标)

Self-help is the best way to success.  自助乃是通向成功的最佳之道。

I believe this treaty will pave the way to peace in Europe. 我相信这个条约将为欧洲的和平铺平道路。

The ideas of Marxism-Leninism point the way to victory.  马克思列宁主义的思想指引着通向胜利的道路。

2. way to +动名词(指实现目标)

Take a deep breath and start on your way to winning your selection. 深吸一口气,然后开始步入你赢得这个选举的征程。

This could be one of the stepping stones on the way to achieving a harmonious society. 这可能成为走上和谐社会之路的一块垫脚石。

You will help them more by helping them experience a success and face problems and obstacles on the way to succeeding.


注:我们讨论的问题,就属于上述用法。这里的way 我不认为是“方法”之意。

▲关于习语:on the way / one’s way to (doing) sth. 字面意思“在......途中”;引申意思“快要/就要/正要做某事”。

I’m on the way to completing the report.  我就要完成报告了。

He is well on his way to recovery.  他正在顺利康复。

By following these four steps, you’ll be on your way to getting credit for your knowledge and accomplishments. 通过以下四个步骤,你将为你的知识和成就获得相应的学分。

▲关于这句话:Starting your own business could be a way to achieving financial independence, on the other hand, it could just put you in debt.

其中,a way to 也是“通向......之路”,“通向......之道”;financial independence 英语常见的表达,不外乎这几个意思:“经济独立;财务独立;财政独立”。意思是说,在经济上不依赖别人。




1. A far higher nominal exchange rate would surely be a better way to achieving such a real appreciation than higher inflation. 相比于更高的通胀率,名义汇率大幅提升无疑是实现实际升值的更好途径。
2. I think the best squad, as opposed to the best starting eleven, goes a long way to winning the league. 我认为最好的班底,而不是最好的开场11人,在赢得联赛的途中要走很长的路。
3. “We are on a very good way to achieving the set goals,” admitted Mercedes' Norbert Haug during a teleconference with German media this week.  “我们在朝着一个好的方向达到预定的目标。”豪格在本周与德国媒体的远程电信会议中承认道。
4. Despite the great efforts made, there is a long way to go to achieving the objective of controlling the water pollution and turning the water clean in HRB. 10年过去了,尽管做出了巨大的努力,要实现淮河水质变清,还要走很长的路。(注:to go 作way 的定语,本句仍然是a long way to achieving ...结构)


对a way of doing sth. 和 a way to doing sth.的深层分析:


1. 关于a way of doing sth:介词 of 的主要用法,是表示“所属关系”、“同位关系”或“解释关系”。当我们谈到“做某事的方法”时,用 of doing sth.作way 的定语。显而易见,这里的 of 就表示这种关系。

2. 关于a way to doing sth:to 在这里是个非常关键的介词,它跟 of 绝对不一样的概念。跟way 逻辑搭配时,to 的含义表示“方向”,因为 to 无法表示“所属关系”,因此,后面的 doing sth. 就成了“目的或目标”,这时,way 的意思也随之发生了变化,不再是“方法,方式”,而是“道路,途径”。因此,我们有理由推断:

a way of doing sth:做某事的方法

a way to doing sth:通向实现目标之路(有时翻译成“途径”)


1. 因为“方法”和“途径”在意思上非常接近,所以,人们往往理解为一回事,但毕竟不是一个概念。“途径”实乃“道路”。

2. 在现实语言中,单纯说 a way to doing sth. 的语境较少,所以例句也相对较少;而说 on the way to doing 和 on one's way to doing 的情况则较多。

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其它 1 个回答



1.The surest way to achieving financial independence is by living below your means and saving aggressively. 量入为出,积极储蓄是实现财务独立的最可靠的途径。



2.Starting your own business could be the way to achieving financial independence. (1)_______ it could just as well land you in debt for the rest of your life. (2)_______, that is the view of Charles and Brenda Leggat, a Scottish couple, who last week saw their fish farm business put into the hands of the receiver. 'We started the business at a time when everyone was being encouraged by the banks to borrow money. (3)_______, we fell into the same trap, and asked for a big loan. (4) _______, at the time we were sure that we could make it into a going concern,' said Charles Leggat, a farmer from the Highlands. The bank analysed the proposals we put forward and they agreed that it would be a highly profitable business.' Sure enough, within five years the Leggats were exporting trout and salmon products to hotels all over Europe, and (5) _______ they took on over fifty staff. (6) _______, with the advent of the recession, they began to lose ground as orders dried up. '(7) _______, said Brenda Leggat, 'the business has now been valued by the bank at a fraction of its true worth. If they had left us to work our way out of our difficulties, (8) _______ virtually bankrupting us, I am sure that we could have gone back into profit. As it is, we have been left without a livelihood, and the bank has not recovered what it lent us.' The Leggats both felt that their banks had not treated them fairly. '(9) _______, they were falling over themselves to lend us the money initially, (10) _______ now they are doing very little to keep the business going, and fifty local people in work.' A spokesman for the bank concerned refused to comment.

1) A. Moreover                B. On the other hand      C. As well as

2) A. At least                        B. However                      C. To make matters worse

3) A. Incidentally                B. At any rate                      C. As a result

4) A. To put it another way  B. Nevertheless              C. In contrast

5) A. what's more                B. on the other hand      C. to tell the truth

6) A. Hence                        B. Consequently              C. However

7) A. In contrast                B. Whereas                      C. To make matters worse

8) A. as opposed to        B. as well as                      C. in addition to

9) A. However                B. To tell the truth              C. As a result

10) A. as well as                B. whereas                      C. on the other hand


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  • 童迪斌   提出于 2015-06-26 11:16