might just as well什么意思

Professor Swyington Bumper seemed to live in a regin all by himself. Though he was on board the Bellaconda(船名), he might just as well have been in an airship, or riding along on the back of a donkey, as far as his knowledge, or recognition, of his surroundings went.划线句子,麻烦帮忙分析一下,might just as well什么意思?,"of his surroundings went"这个什么意思,这个Of是接在谁后边的?

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最佳答案 2020-11-05 08:28

1. might (just) as well do sth.   用来表示“建议”,意思是“还是做某事好;倒不如做某事”。比 may (just) as well do sth. 更婉转一些。

2. might (just) as well have done sth.  表示“对过去情况的推测”,意思是“好像做了某事;简直做了某事”,两个意思任选其一。

3. as far as his knowledge, or recognition, of his surroundings went:as far as 看作词组连词,意思是“就......而言”。它由   as far as + 主语 + go  构成。这里, go 是引申义,指主语所到达的最远处。本句的主语是 his knowledge, or recognition, of his surroundings(其中 of his surroundings 作这两个名词的定语),went 是谓语动词。类似表达有:

as far as I know

as far as I am concerned

as far as I can see

as far as 用作连词,接从句。意思由“比较”演变而来:意为“跟......一样远”,还表示情况达到某种程度,意为“远到...;就…而言;在…范围内”(上面的三个表达和网友的句子,都是这个用法)。

The desert continued as far as the eye could see. 沙漠一直伸展到视线的尽头。

They went as far as they could go. 他们尽了最大努力走了那么远的路程。


Professor Swyington Bumper seemed to live in a region all by himself. Though he was on board the Bellaconda, he might just as well have been in an airship, or riding along on the back of a donkey, as far as his knowledge, or recognition, of his surroundings went.



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