
语法书上说must表推测不能用于否定句中,那这道题是出错了吗?还是答案解析出错了 原题是改错,划线must not receive Her parents must not receive any message about her. They don't know what has happenedto her. A. must not have received B. ought not to receive C. not ought to have received D. not ought to receive A [译文]她的父母一定没有收到任何关于她的消息,他们不知道她出了什么事。 [解析]选项分析。 本题的考点为must have been表示猜测的用法,而ought to的意思是“应当,应该”",其否定形式为ought not to,故排除选项C和D:画线部分用ought to不符题意,故排除,所以本题正确答案为A.
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最佳答案 2020-10-28 17:55


        在标准的英国英语中,通常用 can't (cannot)表示“不可能”、“一定(肯定)不”、“一定(肯定)没有”;在美国英语中,可以用 must not 表示上述意思。如:

        He only left the office five minutes ago. He can't be home yet. 他5分钟以前才离开办公室。他不可能到家。(从逻辑上判断他还不可能到家。)  

         She's not answering the doorbell. She must not be at home. 她没有应门铃。她肯定不在家。(从逻辑上看她在家并非不可能,但实际似乎可以肯定她不在家。)  

        She walked past without saying "Hello". She must not have seen you. 她走过去时没有打招呼。她肯定没看见你。(美国英语;有些英国人也这么说。)

        She walked past without saying "Hello". She can't have seen you. 她走过去时没有打招呼。她肯定没看见你。(大多数英国人这么说。)




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