

To know is one thing; to teach (is) another. 知道是一回事;教又是另一回事。

He studies math, but his brother (studies) dancing. 他学习数学,他的兄弟学习舞蹈。

She is a nervous woman and always has been (a nervous woman). 她是个神经过敏的女人,并且总是这样。

Our flat is on the first floor and theirs (is) on the third. 我们的公寓在一楼,他们的公寓在三楼。

上面最后一句为什么只省略 is,而不省略介词 on 呢?介词 on 前面不是也出现了吗?

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最佳答案 2015-07-16 22:14

on the first floor是介词短语作表语,后一句“(is) on the third (floor)”中的 is 可省略、floor 可省略。on the third (floor) 也是表地点的介词短语作表语,若省略介词 on,则 the third 无法用作表语。  

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  • goldroad   提出于 2015-06-21 22:56
