
Meantime a stranger, who looked like an amateur detective gotten up as an impossible English earl, had been watching the evening's proceedings with manifest interest, and with a contented expression in his face; and he had been privately commenting to himself. He was now soliloquising somewhat like this: 'None of the Eighteen are bidding; that is not satisfactory; I must change that - the dramatic unities require it; they must buy the sack they tried to steal; they must pay a heavy price, too--some of them are rich. And another thing, when I make a mistake in Hadleyburg nature the man that puts that error upon me is entitled to a high honorarium, and someone must pay. This poor old Richards has brought my judgment to shame; he is an honest man:--I don't understand it, but I acknowledge it. Yes, he saw my deuces--AND with a straight flush, and by rights the pot is his. And it shall be a jack-pot, too, if I can manage it. He disappointed me, but let that pass.

1) who looked like an amateur detective gotten up as an impossible English earl...如何理解gotten up的用法?语法上怎么理解?

2) when I make a mistake in Hadleyburg nature...这里的when从句为什么使用了一般现在时?为什么不使用过去时made?


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最佳答案 2020-10-18 20:17

1) who looked like an amateur detective gotten up as an impossible English earl...如何理解gotten up的用法?语法上怎么理解?

get up作为短语动词除了常见的”起床“这种语义外,还有其他不同的语义和用法。

The Free Dictionary 就有get up的如下及物动词用法:

4. To dress or adorn: 

She got herself up in a bizarre outfit. 她用一种怪诞的用具把自己打扮起来。

即get up后接反身代词作宾语,可以表示主语打扮、装扮成某种样子。例如:

He got himself up as an English earl. 他把自己装扮得像个英国伯爵的样子。


He was gotten up as an English earl. 他穿得像个英国伯爵。

gotten up作为过去分词还可以作定语:

I met a man gotten up as an English earl.

= ...a man who was gotten up as an English earl.
你的句子中,gotten up as an impossible English earl 就是过去分词短语作 amateur detective的定语。一个穿着打扮的像个难对付的英国伯爵的业余侦探。

2) when I make a mistake in Hadleyburg nature...这里的when从句为什么使用了一般现在时?为什么不使用过去时made?



When I see a man smoking near me, I always tell him to stop that.

你的句子就是这种用法——从句和主句谓语都不是具体一次动作,而是习惯用法。所以主句和从句都用一般现在时。这种when 从句实际是时间和条件意义的结合。if从句也有类似的用法,即从句和主句都用一般现在时。

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