This is what the event usually looks like with as many as 2500 people assembled in one room.
That's under normal ciscumstances.
上句用了with sb assembled 是否意味着sb是被动完成的,即被召集去的。
假设上句用了 with as many as 2500 people assembling in one room 意思是多达2500人自己主动集合。
我的疑问是: with sb doning 表主动,有没有动作完成的含义呢?
假设with as many as 2500 people assembling in one room: 表自己主动集合,但是集合这一动作是否完成,还是正在集合呢?
This is what the event usually looks like with as many as 2500 people assembled in one room. That's under normal ciscumstances.
上句用了with sb assembled 是否意味着sb是被动完成的,即被召集去的。
——网友理解正确。assemble 是“召集;聚集”。可以及物,也可以不及物。本句使用过去分词,表示“被动和完成”。
假设上句用了 with as many as 2500 people assembling in one room 意思是多达2500人自己主动集合。
我的疑问是: with sb doning 表主动,有没有动作完成的含义呢?
——不可以使用 assembling,因为现在分词没有“完成”,只有“进行”之意。不符合本句的意思要求。
假设with as many as 2500 people assembling in one room: 表自己主动集合,但是集合这一动作是否完成,还是正在集合呢?
——这个表达,表示“主动和进行” 之意。