will和be going to do区别

I will make my team lose if I keep playing.

I am going to make my team lose if I keep playing.

这两句话的主句中分别用了 will 和 be going to do,在此含义有什么不同? 它们分别应该用在什么样的情景中呢?盼望权威专家能彻底为学生解开此困惑。非常感谢。

另外,在天气预报中总是用 will 而不用 be going to 来表示预测,为什么?

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最佳答案 2015-06-09 15:13

be going to 与 will 在惯用法方面差别主要反映在语体上。will 用于正式语体,而 be going to 主要用于口语体。所以,在正式的天气预报中常常采用含 will 的句式:

1. There will be rain . Fog will persist in these area . (PEG)有雨。一些地区仍然有雾。

2. There will be snow on high ground , and many mountain roads will be impassable . (CCEL)高原有雪,许多山路将无法通行。

3. The day after tomorrow will be sunny . 后天天气晴朗。

而在口语体中则会将上面的 will 换成 is (are) going to:

1. They say it's going to be wet and windy. 据说,将有雨和风。

2. “Did you listen to the weather report on the radio ? ”“Yes, it's going to be dry and sunny for the next two days. ”“你收听了电台的天气预报吗?”“是的,未来两天天气干燥、晴朗。”

还应该指出的另一个差别,是 be going to 表示“经过事先考虑的意图或计划”,而 will 表示“随时的意图”或“纯将来时意义”:

1. “There is somebody at the hall door.” “I'll go and open it.”“有人在大厅门外。”“我去开门。”(这里的will就不能用 am going to 来代替。)

2. It's hot in here . I'll open a window . 这儿很热, 我去打开一扇窗户。

3. We're going to use the only means of transport left to us , the only ones the Trace can't detect. (J.K. Rowling . Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows )我们将用仅存的运输方法,唯一一种不会被探测的方法。(《哈利.波特与死忙圣徒》)

此外,be going to 表示即将发生的事或不久将来发生的事。而 will 除此之外也可以表示很遥远的事:

1. I am going to sell this old car, and buy a new one. 我打算把旧车卖掉,买辆新车。

2. Help ! I'm going to fall !救命!我要掉下去了!


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  • quanfa   提出于 2015-06-09 07:38
