be shed from...into...语法结构成分分析?

Children everywhere still need to be immunized, and children whose immune systems are weak,

sometimes get a type of polio that's shed from the vaccine into sewage.

不懂that's shed from the vaccine into sewage.这句话的语法结构和成分,请教老师分析。


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最佳答案 2020-09-11 15:27

Children everywhere still need to be immunized, and children whose immune systems are weak,sometimes get a type of polio that's shed from the vaccine into sewage.

that's shed from the vaccine into sewage. =

that has shed from the vaccine into sewage. (a type of polio 的定语从句)


结构:shed(不及物动词) from A into B(状语).   意思: 从A 流入B;从A 扩散到B


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其它 1 个回答


get a type of polio that's shed from the vaccine into sewage.

划线部分的结构和语法作用是显而易见的:that引导定语从句,修饰a type of polio. 关键是对定语从句意义的理解。polio指脊髓灰质炎,即通常所说的小儿麻痹症。但作者显然把polio用作引起脊髓灰质炎的病毒,定语从句的意思是该病毒从(用过或废弃的)疫苗脱落,流入下水道中。(下水道的污水排入河流,免疫力低下的儿童饮用河水而感染病毒,患了脊髓灰质炎。) 总不能认为脊髓灰质炎这种病流入下水道。至于polio这个词能否表示该病毒,或者说这个定语从句用得是否妥当,则是另一回事了。

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  • bjxue 提出于 2020-09-05 15:54
