Looking about him, O'Donnell wondered why anyone - wealthy or not - would choose to live in such surroundings.
根据句意,我不明白为什么会有would出现,我感觉应该将would choose改成chose一般过去时才合适。
可是上句却使用了would choose - 过去将来时, 这是为什么呢?是当时说话时:将选择居住在这样的环境中...吗?
will do 和 would do 除了表示“将来/过去要做某事”之外,还可表达“人的意愿”。will 和 would,翻译为汉语就是“愿意;情愿;甘心”。
I wonder why he will go to help her.
I wondered why he would go to help her.
Looking about him, O'Donnell wondered why anyone - wealthy or not - would choose to live in such surroundings.