
1. 这是一小段改错题的文章,是照答案改过后的正确的: Over the years, I've heard a fair number of slurs shouted at campus cops. Seldom were they "pig" or "fascist." Far more often, they diminished the power of the officer, using words like " fake cop" or "rent-a-cop". This is where the power and class dynamics get tricky. They are real cops. Employed by California, they are agents of the state. They've got weapons. And the pay is not bad at all. 请问老师,Seldom were they "pig" or "fascist."这句部分倒装,助动词置于主语之前,那是不是少了个called之类的谓语动词呀?改成Seldom were they called "pig" or "fascist." 可以嘛? 2. 这段是这篇文章的第二段,我没有改: On the other hand, campus police at U.C. Berkeley and U.C. Davis, patrol kids who'd call them failures if they grew up to be cops; kids who have more opportunities than the children of the campus cops; kids…… 请问老师,“On the other hand, campus police at U.C. Berkeley and U.C. Davis , patrol kids who'd call them failures if they grew up to be cops;” 答案把them改成themselves了,可是我认为在who的这句定从中,主语是kids,还有个them还有个they,那这个them也可以说是指上文的campus police呀,很迷糊。。而且patrol不用变成非谓语形式patroling嘛?(答案就是patrol) 烦请老师指点迷津...
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最佳答案 2020-08-19 14:23

1 Seldom were they "pig" or "fascist." 这句没有错误,没有必要改动。不要节外生枝。

2 kis指学生们。这些学生看不起校警,所以这些学生认为如果他们自己将来当校警,就是人生的失败。所以call的主语who和宾语them都是指kids,主语和宾语为同一人,要用反身代词,而不用人称代词宾格。这个定语从句带有if虚拟条件句,为虚拟语气,them和thay都是指学生,而不是指警察。警察已经是事实了,不可能用在if从句中。

3 patrol在此为谓语动词,不可以改为patrolling。

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