go doing是一种什么语法现象


go climbing, go dancing, go fishing, go hunting, go riding, go sailing, go shooting, go shopping, go skating, go skiing, go swimming, go walking 


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最佳答案 2015-05-23 10:14

    go 后接动词(包括由名词转化的动词)的-ing 形式的用法: 

    1)表示体育运动、娱乐消遣。例如 :When I got to Mike's home , he had gone swimming . 我到迈克家时,他已经去游泳了。/ Won't you come and go fishing with me ? 难道你不想来和我一起去钓鱼吗?

    注:常见的这类搭配还有 :go hunting ( 或 shooting , biking , hiking , jogging , boating , wading , berrying , rabbing , swimming , sailing , riding , skiing , camping , dancing , climbing ,etc.) 

    2)表示带有经常性的一般活动。例如:She went (out) shopping . 她去买东西了。

    注:常见的这类搭配还有 :go window-shopping ( 或 bathing , etc .)

    3) 表示带有一定程度的职业性的活动。例如:Old Smith went soldiering and fought battles abroad in youth . 老约翰当过兵,年轻时在国外打仗。/ He often goes marketing . 他经常去市场做买卖。

    注:常见的这类搭配还有 :go farming ( 或 tutoring , nursing , etc.)

    4)这种结构中,带 -ing 形式的动词多为不及物动词,但有时也用及物动词;所带宾语可在现在分词前或后,个别可构成复合词。例如:His father likes to go collecting birds' eggs(或 gathering mushrooms). 他父亲爱去采鸟蛋(或蘑菇)。/ She went sight-seeing . 她观光去了。

    5) 这种结构中,有些不及物动词是由 -eer 结尾的名词转化的,常含有贬义,或反映对动作执行者的蔑视态度。例如:They often go racketeering . 他们常常进行敲诈勒索。/ That gang went black-marketeering in Hong Kong . 那帮人在香港做过黑市交易。

    注:常见的这类搭配还有 :go electioneering( 或 sloganeering , profiteering ,pamphleteering , etc.)

    6)在口语中,这种结构有时还可用以表示不赞成或不宜干某事,在翻译时,go不应译出。例如:Don't go saying that ! 别冒失地提那事儿!/ Don't go blaming yourself ! 别老是责怪你自己!/ If you go eating these green apples , you will make yourself ill . 如果你吃这些生苹果,你会生病的。

    7) go begging 虽可作“去乞讨”解,但在口语中经常表示“(东西、货物等)无人要”、“(职位等)还空着”。例如:If these things are going begging , I'll take them . 如果这些东西没有人要,我要。 / The job went begging for lack of qualified applicants . 由于没有合格的应聘者,那职位还空着。



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  • 陈书庆 提出于 2015-05-21 20:50