
1.But this is just part of the "Made in China 2025" model,which has called for at least 70% of related high-tech materials and products,such as semiconductors,to be made domestically by 2030.


2.Indeed,the sheer depth of the scheme has triggered a technological arms race,with US President Donald Trump insisting that China's state subsidies for these industries must be curtailed amid rising trade tensions.


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最佳答案 2020-07-02 21:02

1. 动词 call for + 宾语 +不定式作补语,不是状语。

2. 不是。是with复合结构,你可以把它放在独立结构这个大类中,也可以视为介词短语去学习。

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  • 姜若一 提出于 2020-06-30 22:53
