
Once more I am in Boston, ______ I have not been for ten years. 

A. where          B. which

请问:本题应填 where 还是 which?谢谢!

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最佳答案 2015-06-18 20:36

答案应是 where,相当于 to which(即如果填 which,则要加上 to)。

此处填 where,一与先行词 Boston 有关,二与 have been to 这个结构有关。

have been to 的意思是“去过”或“来过”。如:

Have you been to Poland? 你去过波兰吗?

She’s just been to a party. 她刚参加一个晚会回来。

We’ve not been to the cinema recently. 我们最近没去看过电影。

I’ve been to rather too many parties recently. 我最近参加的聚会实在太多了。

Only a few people have been to the Arctic Circle. 只有少数人去过北极圈。

注意:如果其后接的不是名词,而是副词,则不用 to。如:

Somebody has been here. 有人来过这儿。

Have you ever been here before? 你以前到这儿来过吗?

He has been here twice this month. 这个月他到这儿来过两次。

I don’t suppose you’ve been here before. 我想你从前没来过这里。

His fingerprints proved that he had been here. 他的指纹证明他来过这儿。

在上面的试题中,where 是关系副词,所以后面的 been 后面没有介词 to;反过来,由于后面的 been 没有带 to,所以前面要用关系副词 where 来引导定语从句,而不是用关系代词 which。句意为:Once more I am in Boston, where I have not been for ten years. 我又一次来到了波士顿,这个地方我有10年没有来过了。

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