2 关于from where的用法

请问老师,在这句中They went up the tall CN Tower from where they could see the misty cloud from the great Niagara Falls in the distance. 这句话的语法结构是怎样的呢? where是引导定语从句吗?定语从句中好像很少见到from where的结构,大部分不都是介词加which吗?

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在不同的情况下,where, from which和from where这三组词所表达的含义是有差别的。

1.在from which中,which直接指代前面表示位置或地点的名词或代词。例如:

The village has only one well from which the villagers can draw water. 这个村子仅有一口井可供村民们取水。

2.在特定的语境中,不可用from which,而用where又不如用from where。例如:

She climbed up to the top of the hill, from where she could have a good view of the whole town. 她登上山顶,从那里她可以一览全城风光。

▲ 句中的from where指的是“从山顶”,故不能用from which,但可以用from on the top of which。虽可以用where,但语义比较含糊和笼统,不如用from where。from where相当于and from on the top of the hill或from on the top of which,语义明晰而具体。试比较下例两句,哪句更好?

He hid himself under the bed, from where he could hear what they were talking. 他躲在床下面,他可以从床下听到他们谈话。from where = and from under the bedfrom under which从床下

He hid himself under the bed, where he could hear what they were talking. 他躲在床下面,在床那儿他可以听到他们谈话。where的地点不具体,可指“在床边;在床上;在床下;在床前……”等,具体位置不明确)

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黎反修   - 英语翻译 (已退休)

    这里的 where 是引导定语从句。又如:

    We had a good view of the procession from where we stood. 从外面所站之处可以清楚地看见游行队伍。(摘自《英汉多功能词典》新编升级版p.1938)

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  • cindy19910118 提出于 2020-06-16 22:33
