have sb doing sth的用法归纳

He had the light burning all night. 他让灯亮了一整夜。

He won’t have boys arriving late. 他不允许孩子们迟到。

It cramps my style to have you watching over me all the time. 你老是盯着我使我放不开手脚。

以上几句都属于 have sb doing sth,但它们的用法好像并不一样:第一句表示“使……一直处于做某事的状态中”,第二句表示“不允许……”,第三句呢?是什么用法?这个句型还有其他的用法吗?敬请专家老师给归纳一下,万分感谢!

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最佳答案 2015-05-11 23:26


(1) 表示使(让)某人或某物一直不停地做某事

I have the car waiting. 我让汽车等着。

He had the light burning all night. 他让灯亮了一整夜。

He had us laughing all through the meal. 他弄得我们整个吃饭时间都欢笑不止。

(2) 表示客观上有某情况在进行或持续

We have people standing on our steps all day. 我们的台阶上整天站着人。

I looked up and found we had water dripping through the ceiling. 我抬头一看,发现有水渗过天花板滴下来。

(3) 表示使(让)某人开始做起某事来

He soon had them all laughing. 他很快逗得大家都笑了。

I have them all talking to each other. 我使得他们全都相互交谈起来。

(4) 表示将要发生的事

I have guests coming. 我有客人要来。(现在分词用作宾语补语)

It’s lovely to have children playing in the garden again. 孩子们又来到园子里玩耍,这很有意思。

(5) 表示说服或命令某人做某事

He had me doing all kinds of jobs for her. 他叫我为她做各种事情。

(6) 表示经过一段时间达到的效果

He had me swimming in a week. 他一个星期就教会我游泳了。

I’ll have you speaking English in six months. 我要你6个月内就开口讲英语。

(7) 表示容忍或允许某人做某事,主要用于否定式,常与 won’t, can’t 连用

I won’t have you telling me what to do. 我用不着你来对我指手画脚。

She won’t have the boys arriving late. 她不允许这些男孩子迟到。

(8) 表示遭遇令have的主语不愉快的事

It cramps my style to have you watching over me all the time. 你老是盯着我使我放不开手脚。

If film-stars put their numbers in telephone books they’ d have everyone ring them up. 电影明星们如果把他们的电话号码列入电话簿,就会招致所有的人给他们打电话。

If you don’t put a fence round your garden you’ll have people walking in and stealing your fruit. 如果你不把你的果园用篱笆围起来,人们会走进来偷摘果子。

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其它 1 个回答


1. He had the light burning all night. 

该句为 have sth doing 结构,强调doing 正在进行中。表示说话的时候灯还在亮着。可理解为责备或埋怨。

2.  He won’t have boys arriving late. 

该句结构同上,理解为他正在批评那些迟到的 boys. 

3.  It cramps my style to have you watching over me all the time. 

It 是形式主语,不定式to have you watching over me all the time 为真正的主语,理解为 To have you watching over me all the time cramps me.  Have you watching over me 的结构同上,貌似监考老师盯着某个学生看,令其不安(其实并没有作弊)。

实际上,除了have sb/sth doing 外,还有 have sb/sth do 的结构,强调事情的发生,或可能发生,不强调进行。如:I won’t have you say such things.

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