1 比较结构

比较结构: 为了避免重复,从句中常出现省略和替代,注意保持句子前后比较对象的一致,特别要注意代词是否使用正确;专八中的比较结构中比较的成分是所有格+名词中心词 。

1、There were proposals that independence should be linguistically acknowledged by the use of a different language from those of Britain

2、Increasingly the outlook of universities in the United States is a indistinguishable from those of business.

所有格+名词+比较结构+所有格+代词, 一定要是同类事物比较


老师好,这是专八改错ppt上的讲解,我的问题是,不理解“所有格+名词+比较结构+所有格+代词”这个结构。可以根据上面两句话 依次告诉我“所有格+名词+比较结构+所有格+代词”分别指句子中的什么吗?谢谢老师

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最佳答案 2020-06-15 01:24

different from,similar to, indistinuishable from 等,都属于广义的比较结构。在这二个句子中those都是替代词,替代前面出现过的名词,要注意先行词和替代词之间的数的一致。所有格在本句指of 属格。

1、There were proposals that independence should be linguistically acknowledged by the use of a different language from those of Britain. 

a different language from those of Britain 中those为错误,应该为that,即

a different language from that of Britain = a different language from the languae of Britain

2、Increasingly the outlook of universities in the United States is indistinguishable from those of business.

indistinguishable from those of business 应改为 indistinguishable from that of business = indistinguishable from the outlook of business.

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