to get along with 的对象是指谁?

He is easy to get along with.

请问一下,get along with 中with 如果补上一个宾语, 是指其他人,还是指句子的主语he?  是他很容易被别人相处? 还是他主动相处别人很容易??

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最佳答案 2020-07-07 13:59

      在一种特殊结构中,有些形容词可以与动词不定式连用。此时,句子的主语实际上是动词不定式的宾语。这样的形容词有 easy, hard, difficult, impossible, good, ready 以及enough 之前和 too 之后的形容词。

      He's easy to please. (= To please him is easy. 或 It is easy to please him.) 讨好他很容易。


      He is easy to get along with. (= To get along with him is easy. 或 It is easy to get along with him. )

      当句子的主语就是后面动词的主语时,easy, difficult 和 impossible 就不能用于这种结构中。...... Iron rusts easily. 铁易生锈。(不能说:Iron is easy to rust.) (摘自《牛津英语用法指南》第四版101.4)所以,在 He is easy to get along with 的 with 后面不能补上一个宾语。

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其它 1 个回答


在“sb. is easy/hard/difficult to get along with”中,get along with之后是不带宾语的,主语sb.是get along with的逻辑宾语。所以,容易或难相处的是人是句子的主语。又如:

This fellow is hard to get along with. 这个人不好处。

The new director is easy to get along with. 新来的主任很好处。

He's a bit quick-tempered, but not difficult to get along with. 他只是脾气暴躁些, 并不难处。

▲如果表示与某人相处,不用“主语+be+adj.+to do”。例如:

He could not get along with anybody.他跟谁都合不来。

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  • qhl222 提出于 2020-06-01 19:20
