rest home, rest house, rest room 三者有区别吗?
解答 :
rest home :a residential establishment that provides special care for convalescents and aged for infirm persons. (Random house dictionary) 一种疗养院,可供病后体力虚弱,或年老者休息之用。
rest house :an empty house for the accommodation of travelers. (Complete Dictionary of English Phrases) 旅客憩息处,休息所,歇凉亭。这原是起源于印度的,如果是在车站附近,就 叫做 dawk bungalow (车站附近的旅店)。此语在美国俗语中, 又用来指舒服的刑务所。
rest room :(U.S.) a room or rooms, esp. in a public building, having washbowl, toilet, and other facilities. (Random House Dictionary) 厕所,洗手间。