The stage, he says, creates the impression of a 'boundless space beyond' and although its effect may be subliminal 'it is the apprehension of space that may be the most profound and powerful experience of live theatre'.
The stage, he says, creates the impression of a 'boundless space beyond' and although its effect may be subliminal 'it is the apprehension of space that may be the most profound and powerful experience of live theatre'.
这个时间元,他传递出的语意交互镜像是,创造了一个“超阈值的无量空间的”的构型,并且就算让步来诠释,它的应力范围场的张度也可能是受众知觉之化外领域的,即便在如此构架的驱动下,它也是即时交互作用戏剧体现物理元的最深维度和最具撼动力的体验的 "在三位矢量的拓展上,客体与主体的认知位移的成功合成”
因我的职业是 “智能高端数字通讯设备表面高分子化合物线性处理” , 只能翻译到这种程度。再往高里去,翻不了,能力不允许了。