
原句是In other words, whatever inborn differences two people may exhibit in their abilities to memorize, those differences are swamped by how well each person “encodes” the information.


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最佳答案 2020-04-21 20:58

我在COCA语料库搜索ability to memorize 和 can memorize, 找到以下memorize的不及物用法。虽然词典都标注memorize 为及物动词,但在实际应用中(至少在美式英语中)to memorize作定语修饰ability时,以及与情态动词can连用时,memorize可以不及物。

And a bigger skull means a bigger brain, and a bigger brain means more ability to retain stuff and a higher capacity to memorize and learn. Memorizing and learning are actually two different things, Weldon. Any monkey can memorize

College Diploma is no sign of intelligence, it testifies only that the bearer can memorize and do tests well. 

Tomlinson writes: " The learners who succeed in these cultures are those who can focus on discrete chunks of information, who can analyze and categorize, who can memorize and retrieve consciously, who are systematic and sequential in the ways they learn " 

These courses are usually scheduled in the morning, when, supposedly, the students have clear minds and can memorize better.

Additionally, participants reported that persistent and focused study in class, support from peers, creativity, the ability to memorize, and critical thinking were perceived as important variables for achieving academic success in college. 

This ability to memorize will help in so many everyday ways.

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我认为及物与不及物这种语义概念被误解了。及物和不及物指的是语义上的,并不是格式上的。比如按格式上说work是不及物,但是按语义work=do a job,它里面有受格。再比如eat这种词,格式上你可以接受格或不接,但语义上eat必然有受格。这里memorize,也是一样,语义上必然有受格,只不过这里相当于memorize something 跟eat something 一样,语义里还是及物的。

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