as well 位置问题

请问老师,为什么这个例句中,as well要放在动词前的位置,而不是放在句子末尾呢? 

You might as well return home early.

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最佳答案 2020-04-20 10:15

might as well do sth是习惯用法,意为“最好做某事”,大约等于bad better do sth,


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其它 2 个回答


赞同曹老师的解答。其实,may/might as well do sth.与had better do sth.还是有区别的。

may / might as well“最好,不妨,还是……好”,表消极或无奈;had better...“最好……”,表主动或积极。例如:

Since he won’t listen to you, you may as well let him be. 既然他不听你的,那就随他去吧。

Anyway, you're here; you might as well stay. 反正你已经在这儿了,那就留下来吧。

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黎反修   - 英语翻译 (已退休)

      might as well do sth 和 may as well do sth 是习语,主要有两种用法:

     (1)表示因为某事不能避免或者没有合适的理由不做而应该做或者接受,通常译为“应该做某事”、“最好做某事”。如:You might as well tell them the truth. 你应该告诉他们实情。/ We may as well begin now. 我们最好现在就开始。/ They're not going to change their decision,so you might (just) as well get used to it. 他们不会改变决定的,所以你最好还是服从吧。/ (informal)“Should we start now ?”“Might as well.”“我们现在开始吗?”“最好开始吧。”

    (2)表示做另外的实情(实际上没有做)也会有同样的效果,通常可以译为“还是...的好;倒不如(做另外的事情)”:The party was so dull that I might (just) as well have stayed home那次聚会太无聊了,我还不如待在家里。


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